Ground Glue Arid Climate Dust Control



1 gallon jug 5 gallon bucket 55 gallon drum 275 gallon tote

Ground Glue Arid Climate Dust Control



1 gallon jug 5 gallon bucket 55 gallon drum 275 gallon tote

Ground Glue® Arid Climate Dust Control is an economical, long-lasting, dust suppressant that assists in compaction of soil, prevention of erosion, and virtually eliminating dust – all while minimizing maintenance and watering costs. Effective on most soil types, Ground Glue® Arid Climate Dust Control binds dirt together while sealing the pores of substrates to greatly increase its bearing capacity and its ability to resist both chemical and natural erosion.

  • Lignin-based all-natural chemistry – free of mineral oils and synthetic chemistries
  • Environmentally friendly & biodegradable
  • Safe for animals and plants (rinse overspray from foliage)
  • Economical & long-lasting (with proper preparation, one application will last for years)
  • Concentrated – 1 gallon of concentrate treats approximately 240 sf
  • Formulated for dry climates with less than 30% relative humidity
  • Penetrating formula – prewetting not required
  • Works on all soil types


  1. Although Ground Glue® Arid Climate Dust Control will work fine with topical application, for best results, scarify soil 1-2” deep

  2. Dilute Ground Glue® Arid Climate Dust Control - 1 part to 5 parts water

  3. Spread or spray 1 gallon of diluted product per 240 square feet

  4. Treat soil by moistening 1-2” depth of soil.

  5. Compaction is optional, but rolling or compacting scarified surface will result in greater longevity

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